May 2, 2014
Arizona’s Non-Judicial Foreclosure Statutes do not Require the Beneficiary to ‘Show the Note’ Before Commencing a Non-Judicial Foreclosure
The court in deciding Famili v. Wells Fargo Bank NA, 2013 U.S. Dist. (D. Ariz., 2013) reaffirmed the holding that “Arizona’s non-judicial foreclosure statutes do not require the beneficiary to prove its authority or ‘show the note’ before the trustee may commence a non-judicial foreclosure.”
All counts alleged in plaintiff’s complaint centered on her assertion that whenever the promissory note was transferred or a change was made to the beneficiary of the deed of trust, the holder or beneficiary was required to demonstrate authority for the transfer or substitution. This court noted that each claim of breach of contract and lack of authority put forth by the plaintiff was an iteration of the “show-me-the-note” argument resolved by the Arizona Supreme Court in Hogan v. Wash. Mut. Bank, N.A., 230 Ariz. 584, 277 P.3d 781, 782 (Ariz. 2012).
Thus, as a matter of Arizona law, the court found the plaintiff’s argument without merit.
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