
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

January 25, 2016

Hidden Home Costs

By David Reiss

Faulty Wiring

TeleMundo quoted me in 15 Hidden Home Costs When Buying a Home (the original is in Spanish: 15 gastos escondidos al comprar una casa). It reads, in part,

There are many other things to consider when buying a house, besides the fact that it looks nice. Pay attention to these details and avoid unpleasant surprises.

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Taxes for the following year — Although you were notified about your current taxes, they could go up from one year to the next says David Reiss, Research Director of the Center for Urban Business Entrepreneurship (Brooklyn).

Bad electrical wiring –when purchasing a house many expenses may be hidden behind the walls and you will not realize it until the light switch stops working, adds Professor Reiss.

Thanks to Ana Puello for the translation.

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