
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

January 5, 2017

Thursday’s Advocacy & Think Tank Roundup

By Robert Engelke

  • By 2035, one in three U.S. households will be headed by someone 65 years or older. According to a recent report by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, many of these baby boomers intend to age in place – in other words, stay in their homes or communities.
  • A report by the California Department of Housing and Community Development reveals that California’s housing affordability challenges remain daunting and continue to worsen. According to the report, housing production was more than 100,000 new homes short of demand over the last decade, and one-third of the state’s renters spent more than half of their income on housing costs.
  • The United States will add 13.6 million households between 2015 and 2025 and another 11.5 million households between 2025 and 2035, according to Updated Household Projections, 2015-2035: Methodology and Results, a new Joint Center working paper. This growth represents an increase from the past decade that is in line with historic rates of growth seen in the 1990s, but still well below the levels experienced in the 1970s
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