
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

July 12, 2013

Bank of America and MERS Motion for Dismissal Granted Against Homeowner-Plaintiff in Reconsideration of Order Denying Preliminary Injunction in Foreclosure Proceeding

By Ebube Okoli

In Harris v. Americas Wholesale Lender, No. 2011-659-CH (Macomb Cty. Cir. Ct. June 8, 2011) the court granted the defendant’s motion for dismissal of all the homeowner-plaintiff’s claims in foreclosure proceeding.

Defendants Countrywide, Bank of America, and MERS moved for summary disposition against plaintiff-homeowner under MCR 2.116(C)(7) and (C)(8). Plaintiff moved for reconsideration of the lower court’s denial for preliminary injunction and another motion for entry of default judgment.

Plaintiff alleged five counts; [1] fraud, [2] breach of contract, [3] collusion, [4] conversion, and finally [5] unjust enrichment. In assessing these claims the court found that they were all without merit.

In regards to the plaintiff’s alleged fraud claim the court dismissed it as frivolous as plaintiff could not, and had not, produced any evidence to support the allegation. Upon considering the second count, the court likewise dismissed as the plaintiff failed to show any cognizable allegation of a breach of contract.

The claim of collusion was also dismissed as the court found that the plaintiff failed to plead the claim with particularity. Accordingly, the claim of conversion was also dismissed as the plaintiff failed to explain, to the court’s satisfaction, how a claim of conversion could be supported. Finally, the claim of unjust enrichment was found to be without merit, as the court found that the plaintiff failed to show how an unjust enrichment took place.

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