
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

June 7, 2013

Mass. Trial Court Upholds MERS Foreclosure

By David Reiss

Judge Cutler granted MERS and Countrywide’s motion to dismiss plaintiff Lyons challenge to the validity of a foreclosure deed arising from a foreclosure sale conducted by MERS in Lyons v. MERS et al. Misc. 09 416377 (Jan. 4, 2011). The court held that “the Plaintiffs expressly granted the Mortgage to MERS (as nominee for the Lender), with the power of sale. As a result of this grant, MERS needed no assignment” from Countrywide.” (3) The court found that “such an arrangement is entirely consistent with the express terms of the Mortgage, as well as with Massachusetts law.” (3) The court found it intolerable to reach a result where “the logic of a denial of MERS’s foreclosure right as mortgagee would lead to anomalous and perhaps inequitable results, to wit, if MERS cannot foreclose though named as mortgagee, then either [the lender] can foreclose though not named as mortgagee or no one can foreclose, outcomes not reasonably or demonstrably intended by the parties.” (3) Not sure that those are the only possibilities (for instance, MERS could assign the mortgage to its beneficial owner), but there you have it.

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