
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

June 21, 2013

Massachusetts District Court Interprets Ibanez Narrowly in Deciding That Plaintiff-Homeowner Lacked Standing to Challenge Bank’s Standing to Foreclose

By Ebube Okoli

This action arose out of an attempted foreclosure by defendant Aurora Loan Services on plaintiff David Kiah’s property. Based on the recent holding from U.S. Bank National Ass’n v. Ibanez, 458 Mass. 637, 941 N.E.2d 40 (2011), Kiah sought a declaratory judgment to make the “mortgage on record legally null and void.” The Massachusetts District Court in deciding Kiah v. Aurora Loan Services, LLC, No. 10-40161-FDA, 2011 WL 841282 (D.Mass. Mar.4, 2011) considered the Massachusetts Supreme Court’s holding from Ibanez, along with the plaintiff-homeowners’ arguments, and concluded that granting the defendant’s dismissal was proper.

The court found that the plaintiff’s claims were merit-less, as he challenged neither the note nor the note’s assignment to Aurora. As expressed in Ibanez “By law, the transfer of the note automatically transfers an equitable interest in the underlying mortgage, even without a formal assignment.” An equitable right to the mortgage was thus transferred to Aurora along with the note.

The court noted that the Ibanez holding did not require a reconsideration of the lower court’s judgment. In Ibanez the Massachusetts Supreme Court held that a foreclosure sale made by a party who holds the note but not the mortgage is void as a matter of law. In that case, the note holder provided no evidence of assignment prior to foreclosure. However here, there was a facially valid assignment of the mortgage from MERS to Aurora prior to the foreclosure sale. To the extent the assignment was defective, the court interpreted Ibanez required, at most, that a confirmatory assignment be executed and recorded.

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