
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

September 25, 2017

Monday’s Adjudication Roundup

By Jamila Moore

  • A class of tenants in New Jersey alleged their landlord unreasonably charged the group for attorneys’ fees during their eviction proceedings. In a New Jersey trial court, the group was unsuccessful at becoming a certified class; however, the group achieved success when the New Jersey Appellate Division overturned the prior decision.
  • Spainhour Law Group recently overcame a legal challenge. Spainhour’s adversary attempted to disqualify the company from representing their client, Real Estate Management LLC. As a result, Spainhour may now move forward in defending the management group and its owner in a breached partnership agreement suit.
  • Bank of America, is in a federal Colorado court. A class of homeowners sued the bank for allegedly conspiring to deny their loan modifications. Under the Home Affordable Modification Program, most of the applicants were eligible; however, the bank and it’s contractors allegedly determined various ways to deny their applications.
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