
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

May 2, 2014

New Jersey Court Finds that Plaintiff had Both Possession of the Original Note and Assignment

By Ebube Okoli

The court in deciding Assets Recovery 23, LLC v. Odoemene, 2013 N.J. Super. (App.Div., 2013) this court affirmed the ruling of the lower court that the plaintiff was permitted to foreclose.

In this foreclosure matter, defendants Emmanuel C. Odoemene and Doris D. Odoemene appealed from a June 11, 2012 Chancery Division order, which granted summary judgment to plaintiff Assets Recovery 23, LLC and dismissed defendants’ answer, and denied defendants’ cross-motion to dismiss the complaint. After considering the plaintiff’s contentions this court affirmed the decision of the lower court.

On appeal, defendants merely reiterated that plaintiff lacked standing because it did not physically possess the note at the time it filed the foreclosure complaint. They also argued that the April 2011 assignment did not properly assign the note; however, the court found this argument to be lacking.

This court also found that the evidence in this case clearly established that plaintiff had standing when it filed the foreclosure complaint. Here, the plaintiff had both possession of the original note and an assignment of the mortgage and note prior to filing the complaint.

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