
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

January 25, 2013

Ohio Appellate Court Holds that Lender, as the Real Party in Interest, has Standing to Foreclose

By Michael Liptrot

In Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, L.P. v. Shifflet, 2010-Ohio-1266, the Court of Appeals of Ohio, Third District held that the lender had standing to bring a foreclosure action against the homeowners. The homeowners argued that “MERS, rather than [lender], was the holder of the mortgage, rendering [MERS] the real party in interest.” The court rejected this argument, and based their determination on the evidence submitted by the lender. The evidence submitted was (1) an affidavit from the lender’s assistant vice president stating that the lender is the holder of the mortgage deed and note, and (2) an assignment executed by MERS that assigned all of its right, title, and interest in the subject mortgage deed and note to the lender. The court found this evidence dispositive, stating, “[g]iven the affidavit of [the lender’s assistant vice president] and, more importantly, the documentary evidence of the assignment of the mortgage and note to [the lender], the trial court did not err in granting summary judgment to the lender.”

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