
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

January 9, 2014

Texas Court Dismisses Action Claiming Fraud in Concealment, Fraud in Inducement, Quiet Title, & Rescission

By Ebube Okoli

The court in deciding Diaz-Angarita v. Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 147091 (S.D. Tex. 2013) eventually dismissed the plaintiff’s claims.

Plaintiff asserted causes of action for “fraud in the concealment,” fraud in the inducement, to quiet title, and for rescission. Defendants moved to dismiss.

In claims one and seven, plaintiff sought a declaratory judgment that the substitute trustee’s deed was void as there was no valid notice of foreclosure and no appointment of a substitute trustee recorded, and because there was no assignment of the note and deed of trust recorded.

In claim two, plaintiff sought a declaratory judgment that Defendants had no standing to foreclose. Claim three asserted “fraud in the concealment” based on the allegation that Defendants failed to inform Schonacher, the original borrower, that the loan was securitized. Plaintiff’s fourth claim asserted a fraud in the inducement claim based on the allegation that defendants misrepresented their entitlement to foreclose and that they were the holder and owner of the note.

In claim five, plaintiff asserted a quiet title claim under Texas law. In claim six, plaintiff asserted a cause of action for rescission, which is a remedy and not a recognized cause of action. After categorically analyzing the plaintiff’s claims the court ultimately dismissed all seven of the plaintiff’s claims.

Although a court typically may grant the plaintiff at least one chance to amend the complaint under Rule 15(a) before dismissing the action with prejudice. In this case, the court found that the plaintiff, who is represented by counsel, filed a complaint based on key facts that were within his own knowledge. The court noted that it appeared unlikely that the plaintiff could amend to state viable claims for relief. As a result, the Court enters the dismissal without leave to amend and dismissed with prejudice.

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