
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

September 21, 2017

Thursday’s Advocacy & Think Tank Roundup

By Jamila Moore

  • Jonathan Spader and Shannon Rieger released a research brief entitled, “Patterns and Trends of Residential Integration in  the United States Since 2000,” detailing the trends of U.S. neighborhoods since 2000. To ensure consistency and reliability, the duo defined integration using two definitions. In the end, the pair determined that neighborhoods across America are more integrated today. Specifically, no-majority neighborhoods increased by approximately 2,000 neighborhoods.
  • 143 U.S. consumers are at risk due to the Equifax data breach which exposed consumer’s names, social security numbers, and birth dates. As a result, the New York Attorney Genera, Eric Schneiderman,l launched an investigation of the company’s breach. He wants to ensure that such a catastrophic event does not take place at the other two large credit agencies. Further both, Transunion and Experian must detail their security measures in a letter to the Office of Attorney General so that the state can protect it’s eight million consumers which were affected.
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