
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

October 5, 2017

Thursday’s Advocacy & Think Tank Roundup

By Jamila Moore

  • The federal government wants to lower the number of sexual harassment occurrences in the nation’s housing sector. As a result, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), recently launched an initiative to decrease the amount of sexual harassment in housing practices. The DOJ’s initiative seeks to protect women from unruly landlords, property managers, security guards, and other housing employees. The Department of Justice, Civil Rights division will lead the initiative through the enforcement of the Fair Housing Act.
  • In 2012, 44% of middle class families could afford the inventory of homes being sold. Four short years later, the percentage of middle class families able to afford the inventory of homes decreased by 12% in 2016. In order to aid in the decline, Trump’s Administration must support middle class mortgages. In doing so, the administration will encourage economic growth because middle class families will have the mobility to move to areas that offer better jobs and housing options. Further, many of the nation’s largest metropolitans will become more diverse.
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